Questions to Ask Before Purchasing a Used Vacuum Pump

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When considering machinery such as a vacuum pump, often times you can get a steal of a deal if you purchase a gently-used item instead of buying a new one. After all, your vacuum pump doesn’t mind if it’s a little scratched or used; it will still perform its job like it was designed to– just with less money out of pocket for you. Before you go out and decide to purchase a used vacuum pump, however, be sure to arm yourself with some of these questions to ask the seller to ensure you’re getting a good deal.

Vacuum pumps are used for all kinds of materials

  • Why are you selling your vacuum pump? This is possibly the most important question that you can ask when buying any used item, especially a mechanical one like a vacuum pump. Often when a person decides to upgrade their vacuum pump or choose a different one that meets their needs better, they want to unload their older one. In this case, you could be getting a deal, but be sure you’re getting truthful answers before handing over any money.
  • What are the specs of your vacuum pump? There are so many different varieties of vacuum pumps that you need to know your stuff when it comes to buying used or new. Be sure to ask them about flow, pressure, and to see the user’s manual, if they still have it.
  • What was your vacuum pump used for?  Vacuum pumps are used for all kinds of materials, and cross contamination can be a risk of purchasing used.

What questions do you ask before purchasing a vacuum pump? We want to hear your answers at Pat’s Pump & Blower!